Thursday 12 July 2012

                                        Above pics is for Bad action and below one for good action. 

People are no need to belief in particular religions. just belief in kamma.
Kamma,(Kamma in Pali, Karma in Sanskrit) which literally means ‘action’, produces results in accordance with the principle of cause and effect. if u do good yours result will be good and if you do bad your will bad. thats my religions Here, all the intentional actions which we perform produce corre­sponding results affecting both ourselves and those around us. Kamma produces results which we all experience both mentally and physically. A positive action committed with good intentions will result in a beneficial, positive reaction for all concerned, whilst a negative action undertaken with ill intent will result in a harmful, negative reaction. However, the results of a negative action can be lessened or even neutralised by a positive one. It is the momentum generated by accumulated kamma that leads to the continuity of existence. The condi­tions which we will experience in our future lives are dependent on the net result of our accumulated kamma.