Friday 29 June 2012

6th Article of "The Law of The Universe"

The 7 Spiritual Laws of The Universe are often call the 7 Spiritual Laws for Success. They are one and the same. We are here on this earth to find our bliss. We will not find it without following these laws. Most people know them in one form or another, but here they are with a little explanation for each.
1. The Law of Pure Potentiality
The source of all creation is pure Consciousness. . . pure potentiality seeking Expression from the unmanifest to the manifest. And when we realize that our true self is one of pure potentiality, we align with the power that manifests everything in the universe.
We are pure consciousness. Pure consciousness is pure potentiality. It is the field of all possibilities and infinite creativity. Pure consciousness is our spiritual essence. This is our essential nature. Our essential nature is one of pure potentiality. It is in knowing oneself that the ability to fulfill any dream you have, because you are the eternal possibility, the immeasurable potential of all that was, is, and will be.
If you want to enjoy the benefits of the field of pure potentiality, and you want to make full use of creativity which is inherent in pure consciousness, then you have to access it. One way to access the field is through the daily practice of silence, meditation, and non-judgment. Spending time in nature will also give you access to the qualities inherent in the field: infinite creativity, freedom, and bliss.
2. The Law of Giving and Receiving
Your body, mind and the universe are in constant motion, always changing. Stopping this circulation of energy is like stopping the flow of blood. It will clot and stagnate. You must always give and receive in order to keep energy circulating. Remember money is energy also. The more you give the more you will receive. The best way to put this into practice is to make a decision that anytime you come into contact with someone you give them something. Now it doesn’t have to be money, or anything material. Gifts of caring, attention, affection, appreciation, love, a compliment, or a prayer, are more precious and more powerful.
3. The Law of Karma
Every Action has an appropriate Reaction! What you sow is what you reap. Everything that is happening now is a result of choices you made in the past. Unfortunately, alot of the choices we make are done unconsciously so we don’t think of them as choices. However, if we were to slow down and step back and witness the choices, you would be able to have control over those choices, because you would be bringing them into your conscious mind. You will make the choice to effect an outcome in the future. –Cause + Effect = Karma –
4. The Law of Least Effort
The principle of harmony and love. It is a state in which you do less to achieve more. This happens when your actions are motivated purely by love. There are 3 components to the Law of Least Effort:
1 – Acceptance – You make a commitment. You will accept people, places & circumstances as they occur.
2 – Responsibility – Do not blame anybody or anything including yourself for your situation, all problems contain opportunities
3 – Defenselessness – Give up the need to convince or persuade people of your point of view
If you do this you will gain enormous amounts of energy previously wasted.
5. Law of Intent & Desire
Intention is a real power behind desire. Intent alone is powerful, because intent is desire without attachment to the outcome. Desire alone is weak, because desire in most people is intention with attachment. Intent is a desire with strict adherence to all the other laws, but particularly the Law of Detachment.
Intention combined with detachment leads to a life centered, present moment awareness, and when action is performed in present moment awareness, it is most effective. Your intent is for the future, but your attention is in the present, then your intent for the future will manifest, because the future is created in the present. You must accept the present and intend in the future. The future is something you can always create through detached intention, but you should never struggle against the present.
6. The Law of Detachment
In order to acquire anything in the physical universe, you have to relinquish your attachment to it. This doesn’t mean you give up the intention to create your desire. You don’t give up the desire. You give up your attachment to the result.
Relinquish your attachment to the known, step into the unknown, and you will step into the field of all possibilities. In your willingness to step into the unknown, you will have the wisdom of uncertainty factored in. This means that in every moment of your life, you will experience the fun of life – the magic, the celebration, the exhilaration, and the exultation of your own spirit.
Uncertainty, on the other hand, is the fertile ground of pure creativity and freedom. Uncertainty means stepping into the unknown in every moment of our existence. The unknown is the field of all possibilities, ever fresh, ever new, always open to the creation of new manifestations. Without uncertainty and the unknown, life is just the stale repetition of outworn memories. You become the victim of the past, and your tormentor today is your self left over from yesterday.
Every day you can look for the excitement of what, may occur in the field of all possibilities. When you experience uncertainty, you are on the right path – so don’t give it up. You don’t need to have a complete and rigid idea of what you’ll be doing next week or next year because if you have a very clear idea of what’s going to happen and you get rigidly attached to it, then you shut out a whole range of possibilities.
The law of detachment does not interfere with the law of intention and desire – with goal setting. You still have the intention of going in a certain direction, you still have a goal. However, between point A and point B there are infinite possibilities. With uncertainty factored in, you might change direction in any moment if you find a higher ideal, or if you find something more exciting. You are also less likely to force solutions on problems, which enables you to stay alert to opportunities.
7. The Law of Dharma “Purpose in Life”
You have a unique talent and a unique way of expressing it. There is also unique needs. When these needs are matched with your unique talent it fulfills a need and creates unlimited wealth and abundance. There are 3 components to the Law of Dharma, Our Purpose in Life:
1. We are here to discover our True Self
2. To Express our Unique Talents
3. To Serve Humanity
The Seven Spiritual Laws are powerful principles that will enable you to attain self-mastery. If you put your attention on these laws and practice the steps, you will see that you can manifest anything you want–all the affluence, money and success you desire. You will also see that your life becomes more joyful and abundant in every way, for these laws are the spiritual laws of life that make living worthwhile.

Wednesday 27 June 2012

5th Articles of "The Law of the Universe"

The Natural Laws of The Universe

There are several natural laws of the universe, there is but one great law:
All physical and spiritual science is based on this one great law, and from this one great law there are other subsidiary laws which operates in conjunction with each other.
You can choose to act in accordance to these laws or you can choose to disregard them, but you can not in any way alter them. The laws forever operates and holds you accountable, this means that if you follow the laws you can get rich with mathematical certainty.

It is just a matter of doing things in a certain way – by law.

Here are the different subsidiary laws:

  • The Law of Perpetual Transmutation which says that everything in the universe, we can see, hear, smell, taste or touch, together with our emotions, is energy in various levels of vibration.

  • The Law of Relativity which says that everything just is, is a simple law, but it can have a huge impact on your life. When you understand to use it, everything will become easy and simple.

  • The Law of Vibration which says that everything vibrates and nothing rests.

  • The Law of Polarity which says that everything has an opposite.

  • The Law of Rhythm which says that the tide goes out... Night follows day... Good times – bad times. When you are on a down swing, do not feel bad. Know the swing will change and things will get better. There are good times coming – think of them.

  • The Law of Cause and Effect which says that as you sew so you will reap.

  • The Law of Gender which is the law that governs what we call creation. This law decrees that all seeds (ideas are spiritual seeds) have a gestation or incubation period before they manifest.

  • The Law of Precession which says that when a body is in motion towards another body, then at a 90° right angle to that line of attraction, there is an equal if not a greater result that is being generated.

  • The Law of Vacuum which says that your life is full all the time is a law it is important to remember when you want to change a habit because you can not remove something and leave the space empty.

Saturday 23 June 2012

The fourth Article of "The Law of The Universe'

  •                        ‎(The 7 Natural Laws of the Universe)

    "The Law of Attraction is just part of one of the 7 natural laws of the Universe: the Law of Vibration. Of the 7 Laws, it may be the most important in how our everyday lives play out, but all of the laws are in effect whether we are aware of them or not. Knowing what the 7 laws are and how they work can make a significant difference in applying them to create the life you truly desire.

    The 7 natural laws are in no particular order, but since the Law of Attraction has been discussed so much in The Secret, we’ll start with it.

    1) The Law of Vibration states that everything vibrates and nothing rests. Vibrations of the same frequency resonate with each other, so like attracts like energy. Everything is energy, including your thoughts. Consistently focusing on a particular thought or idea attracts its vibrational match. How to apply it: Focus on what you want instead of what you don’t want.

    2) The Law of Relativity states that nothing is what it is until you relate it to something. Point of view is determined by what the observer is relating to. The nature, value, or quality of something can only be measured in relation to another object. How to apply it: Practice relating your situation to something worse than yours, and you will feel good about where you are.

    3) The Law of Cause and Effect states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Every cause has an effect, and every effect has a cause. Be at cause for what you desire, and you will get the effect. All thought is creative, so be careful what you wish for… you will get it. How to apply it: Consistently think and act on what you desire to be effective at getting it.

    4) The Law of Polarity states that everything has an opposite. Hot-Cold, Light-Dark, Up-Down, Good-Bad. In the absense of that which you are not, that which you are… is not. Polar opposites make existence possible. If what you are not didn’t coexist with what you are, then what you are could not be. Therefore, do not condemn or criticize what you are not or what you don’t want. How to apply it: Look for the good in people and situations. What you focus on, you make bigger in your life.

    5) The Law of Rythym states that everything has a natural cycle. The tides go in and back out, night follows day, and life regenerates itself. We all have good times and bad times, but nothing stays the same. Change is constant. Knowing that “This too shall pass” is great wisdom about life’s ebb and flow. How to apply it: When you are on a down swing, know that things will get better. Think of the good times that are coming.

    6) The Law of Gestation states that everything takes time to manifest. All things have a beginning and grow into form as more energy is added to it. Thoughts are like seeds planted in our fertile minds that bloom into our physical experience if we have nourished them. How to apply it: Stay focused and know that your goals will become reality when the time is right.

    7) The Law of Transmutation states that energy moves in and out of physical form. Your thoughts are creative energy. The more you focus your thinking on what you desire, the more you harness your creative power to move that energy into results in your life. The Universe organizes itself according to your thoughts. How to apply it: Put your energy and effort, your thoughts and actions into attracting what you desire, and you will surely attract the physical manifestation of that energy.

    The 7 Natural Laws of the Universe are working with you and for you. Take charge of your life by focusing on what you want, and by law, you will have it.

Third Article of "The Law of the Nature"

                                                               Spiritual Laws

Every time we focus on something we are calling it towards us. With our thoughts and beliefs, we invite people, situations and material things into our life. Often we can use our energy in resistance. Many invoke this law without being aware of doing it.

Your conscious mind can discriminate between a negative and a positive instruction but your unconscious mind cannot tell the difference. The following words invokes this law: don't, can't, wont or not. You become what you resist.

Whatever you resist persists in your life and uses up your energy in struggle. Never resist failure or poverty. Instead attract success and wealth. Always embrace the positive rather than resist the negative. Releasing control frees energy.

One positive way of transforming negative thoughts is to write them down and then burn the piece of paper.

Then write down what you do want so as to attract that into your life instead. If you are in conflict you stay stuck.

If someone is blaming another for what is happening in his own life, he is a victim who is resisting taking responsibility for what he has created. Anything that you are resisting has a message for you. If you have recurring patterns of failure constantly picture yourself succeeding. Quit resisting. Decide what you do want in life and start to send out magnetic, excited, Enthusiastic energies to draw the positive to you. What you resist persists in your life and drains you of energy. Embrace what you do want and feel alive.

Law of Attraction

You have drawn towards you everything and everyone who is in your life. You send out into the ether the story of your patterns, emotional energy, mindsets, and denials, likes and dislikes. People who do not resonate on our frequency simple are not attracted to us. The vibration you emit is made up of your conscious and unconscious energy, some magnetic, some repellent and some neutral. Like attracts like Qualities such as love, kindness, delight or generosity transmit a high frequency and magnetize people with similar energy. The universe provides mirrors for us to look into. Our underlying beliefs attract people and situations to us. If you think negative thoughts you attract negative people and situations to you. Whenever something is not materializing, as you would like it, examine your underlying feelings and change them. The inner attracts the outer. If something in your outer world is not what you want it to be, look inside and shift how you feel about Yourself. You will automatically attract different people and experiences to you. Remind yourself of your good qualities. Send out positive light and wait for a miracle to be drawn towards you. You are a magnet: you attract like to you.

The Law of Request

Under spiritual law, if you want help, you must ask for it. It is better to help another only when they ask you for help.

If you feel you want to help someone else without their permission then you need to look at the part within yourself that feels the need to rescue them. A being of Light never interferes with your life. But they will save you from an accident or death if it is not your karma. They will also see you make mistakes so you can learn and grow. There are times when you may wish to ask for help. This is done calmly and with strength. As soon as you are ready to ask for help you are ready to receive it.

You are ready to accept the wisdom that goes with it. Then the higher powers will align themselves to help you.

The person who is steadfastly walking the spiritual path goes within to look for answers. As soon as you are ready to know something the teacher will appear to provide it. When you are ready to formulate the question, you are ready to receive the answer. When you need help first quiet and centre yourself. Meditate on what you really want and find clarity about it.
Then request help to your spiritual helpers. The answer lies in the question. The more clarity you have in your question, the fuller the help you will receive. They will always help you. The universe is waiting to help you. All you have to do is ask.

As Within so Without

Earth is a place of learning where our lessons are presented to us by making our outside world an exact reflection of our inner world. If you feel secure, loved, safe and happy inside you will have secure, safe and happy people in your life. If you feel angry, self-critical or feel rejected deep inside, you will have people who get angry at you, or put you down or who abandon you. The universe rearranges itself to reflect your reality. Literally as within so without.

Your body is a mirror of your deep, often unconscious, inner feelings. The left side of our body reflects our attitude to women and the past. The right side reflects our attitude to men and the future. The words we choose to use also reflect the condition of our bodies. So if you have a 'pain in the neck', who is being a 'pain in the neck' in your life. If you say or think it enough times, you will get a 'pain in the neck'. The kind of car we own is a deep inner reflection of who we are. Like wise, our home and our pets reflect our inner qualities. The higher beings who watch over us cause the material objects in our life to alter according to our inner state. So if we want to change something in our lives then we need to alter our beliefs and attitudes in order for our outer world to change. The universe rearranges itself to bring you what you believe.

As Above so Below

This is the first Law of the Universe. On Earth as it is in heaven. The Universe loves you and holds a vision of your future as an enlightened person no matter what mistakes you are making on Earth. God does not judge you, only encourages. You have free will to make your own choices in life. God will not force you to do his will. he Universe waits without judgment as we experience and learn. When we are ready it opens new doors. God wants us to be happy, fulfilled, prosperous and healthy.

Second article of "The Law of the Nature".

When I attach a value and a meaning to some event, I am creating a perception. In other words, it is my choice how to interpret what happened. I will usually interpret an event by seeing it through whatever issues or beliefs I already have going on inside of me. In other words, how I choose to see something, the perception I have of an event, is not necessarily what is happening, but how I choose to view it. If I have anger, I will likely interpret what someone says as sounding angry. If I clear myself of internal issues, I can choose to and will be able to interpret "and create" things from a higher vibrational state. Whatever perceptions I have, and then living by those perceptions, determines the reality I will have.

Here is an example: you are walking down the street, and a dog begins barking at you. If you choose to live by the Laws which state that you create your own reality, you will say to yourself: "I am creating that dog barking at me. That dog is a mirror of something going on inside of me. What in me is making that dog bark at me?" Then you may discover that you were actually feeling a lot of fear, or anger, maybe you weren't even consciously aware at the moment that you were feeling fearful or angry about something, and the dog sensed your fear or anger and barked. The dog reacted to something fearful, some energy of fear or anger that it felt from you. In that way, the dog was a mirror of what you were feeling. You felt fearful or angry when the dog barked, and that alerted you to the fact that you had to be feeling that inside of you to create it happening on the outside.

Then you have an opportunity to look within and figure out what you are feeling fearful or angry about, get clear, and heal it. That would be the way to "perceive" what just happened if you are willing to accept that you create your own reality. If, however, you do not take responsibility and accept that whatever is going on inside of you will manifest as an event, a mirror, in your outer world, then you would "perceive" the situation more like this: "I'm not doing anything! Why did that stupid dog bark at me! Someone ought to have trained it better than to let it bark and scare people. What a mean, stupid dog. Sacred me half to death!" And then nothing gets looked at internally, and there is no opportunity to heal.

Here is another example: as a small child, I see my father being angry. My perception of that event is that I am the reason he is angry - if I were a better child he wouldn't be angry. This perception then becomes a part of my life. I have a perception that I am a bad person, and therefore I always perceive that people are angry at me. Or, I relate to others in fear.

If you perceive or make a decision somewhere along the way that you are a "bad" person and responsible for other people's emotions, for making them feel "bad", then you will go through life hating yourself, thinking you are "evil", perhaps without knowing it. You may feel constantly ashamed and guilty. You will continue to create situations where you feel bad about yourself, where you think you have done something wrong. You will, in all likelihood, create your life where things always seem to go wrong, and relationships and life will probably become a fearful thing for you.

And, all of this will change as your perception and understanding of how the universe works becomes clearer - such as the understanding that no one can create the reality of another. And your life will also change when any false perceptions you have about yourself, as well, are made conscious - and you change them.

When you know that you are responsible ONLY for what you believe and what you feel, and when you KNOW that others are responsible only for what they feel and believe, that feelings and beliefs about reality can only come from within, from what each person chooses to believe, there is no longer shame or blame, guilt or self hatred. Then you have the opportunity to believe and create your life in any way you choose - in a good way that works for you. You no longer believe it if others try to blame you, and you no longer blame anyone else for your life. That is being the CREATOR of your life. You choose consciously, not unconsciously, what you want to believe - you perceive yourself and life and others in a way that is positive and allows life to work harmoniously for you.

If you remain a victim, in victim consciousness, things don't change, because victims never heal. How can they, if they never accept that they are the ones responsible for creating life that way in the first place? You can't change something if you don't think you created it to begin with - or, if you don't believe that you even HAVE the power to create or change anything. Victims remain stuck, thinking it's someone else's fault, and that someone else has the power over their life, to create their life a certain way, instead of themselves.

As soon as I give up 100% responsibility for creating my own reality, as soon as I give up the responsible role, as soon as I think someone is doing something to me, I have become a victim. Other's responses to me are, in reality, only a reflection of my own energy, a reflection of whatever energy I am putting out, or have inside of me.

In other words, if you have a perception that someone is a hurtful person, you must have a belief that you will be hurt. They then just play the role for you that you are expecting. You create what you believe in.

When I come from the lower vibrational state, I will be viewing things as judgments. I will make judgments about myself or about another. The higher vibration is to see whatever happens as a mirror of myself in the Now: "I see you doing that. I want to judge you for it. Instead, I will see that it is a reflection of the energy I either hold in myself, or have held in myself. So, I realize that I do that, or have done that."

I ask myself, "Am I still doing that? Where do I still hold that judgment (which I want to put out on you) about myself - where do I still think that I am not ok?" I identify the judgment I'm making against myself. I ask: "What part of me do I still not love, and therefore I judge it?" Then I look at the other person and think: "I don't need to judge them. They are simply being a mirror of my own issue." I ask: "What in me created that in my reality?" In reality, all of us are really asking for love, which is what we all truly want.

Saying: "What is the mirror to me?" instantly removes the judgment. Then there is no charge. There is only acceptance. Acceptance is the higher vibration. It is above forgiveness, because forgiveness implies that something has been done wrong. Acceptance says all is happening perfectly, as it should. All is perfect. Whatever is happening enables us to grow, if we look at it from being the Creator, not the victim. If we look at it all as perfect, we immediately move into the energy of Love, Trust, and Peace. Then there is no judgment. If it's complicated, it's not Truth.

Know that if you feel anger or any other unpleasant or uncomfortable emotion, you must carry that energy within you. It isn't because of what someone else did. The situation just reflected what was already there in you. Then you have the opportunity to see what the mirror is for you, to see what you carry within yourself so that you can heal, grow, and change - therefore, seeing your reflection in another or in a situation is a positive and useful thing.

Thought triggers emotion. See what kind of thoughts you are thinking, and what kind of emotion that creates. Tune into how you feel. Use your 5 senses to ask if something doesn't feel right or comfortable in the way you are responding or feeling. If you don't like the emotion you are feeling, change the thoughts you are thinking. Get a new perspective, in other words. Healing comes from the #3 law - taking responsibility.

The word emotion is a fascinating word. Look at it this way: E-motion, or Energy, put into motion. That is what our emotions do. They move energy and bring things into motion, or manifestation. The force behind what we feel is what allows us to create. First we have our thought, or perception. But it is the emotional energy, the fuel, that allows something to get created. "I felt so strongly about that that I had to rush out and do it". Therefore, to create in a positive way, we must generate positive emotions from clear thoughts and perceptions.

first article of "The Law of the Universe"

                                                           The Law Of The Universe

Every good and grand religion has to teach people the law of karma. Otherwise, why do they bother to teach people to do good and be good, if we have no retribution later or any at all, or after-life at all? Why bother to be good, to do good? Because if you are bad, you are kind of naughty and sinful, you still only have this life. So the law of karma and also consequently the law of reincarnation is very, very common. And every religion openly or secretly or I mean not hintingly, teaches this kind of law. It is the same like we have the law in every nation in order to protect the order of the society. The law of the universe is also there to protect the order and the well-being of all beings in the universe.

If we live in a country, we must know a little bit about the law of that country in order to live in harmony, also not to harm ourselves by committing some or transgressing the law. Now, when we think it over, we are not only living in a nation, but we are also living in the universe. And every nation is a kind of a room in a big mansion. So therefore it is an obligation to us, also to have to know a little bit about the universal law. After we study the law of different nations we might notice that sometimes one law in this nation doesn't apply to the other nation. For example, in our country like Au Lac, or maybe America, you can have only one wife and one husband. That is the law. Is it so in America also? (Audience: Yes.) Now if you have a second or a third, your wife or husband can take you to court and make trouble.

In Tibet, it is entirely different. Now a woman can have many husbands. One woman can marry the whole brothers of one family. No, I'm not joking. You may read it yourselves. You know if you read the books by Swami Vivekananda. Have you read any? Some of them, no? He told his experience about this. He said when he was shocked and asked a brother why they are doing such a thing. Why are they married to only one woman, five or six brothers. And the brother said: "In Tibet, it is considered selfish not to share any good thing with your brothers." So then he keeps pondering about the relativity of law and sometimes morality in this world.

Now in every country, we have to live up to the law of that country in order not to cause problems, heartbreaks to ourselves and to the others. So, we cannot say, "Well, Tibetans are like that, so we Americans learn to do the same." We can not. Because we Americans are Americans. We have our own emotions, our own background of tradition, and our own judgment. We can't just imitate anyone at all. The same like the Au Lac people, the Chinese, or any other country's people. They cannot imitate the other country's tradition. They may respect their laws. But there are other kinds of invisible laws concerning emotions and a way of living that they can not imitate.

The Law Of The Universe Is Ever Abiding
Then now we consider that when we live in every nation, we have to follow that nation's law. So now when we are in the universe, we must also follow our universal law. That law will protect us from degrading into a lower grade of existence. For example, when we are in a country, and we commit some crimes or transgress some law, we will be put in jail or have some kind of fine. No? (Audience: Yes.) Now if we live in this universe and we commit something that is not suitable to the law of the universe, then we also have to be put in some kind of other existence which is not very pleasurable for us. That is what we call karma, the law of retribution, "As you sow, so shall you reap."

Therefore, when we want to live in harmony and do not incur displeasurable situations for ourselves, we should study some universal law. Universal law is not made by man, and is not changeable like human's law. When we see the human's law, it varies from country to country. And even the standard of morality varies from country to country. So it is hard to tell people in one country to accept the other country's law. But the universal law is always and always the same. For example, in the Bible it is stated that, "Thou shall not kill. Thou shall not commit adultery. Thou shall not steal. Thou shall love thy neighbor, love thy enemy, etc...." These will never change.

If we want to know God or our so-called Buddha nature, God or Buddha nature, for me, is the same thing. I have experienced that thing. You may call it God or Buddha nature. I know it is the same thing, just a different way of speaking. Now, if we want to experience our Godly nature or Buddha nature, or what we call the Real Face, we have to follow this law. And to follow this law is not the only thing that we must do. But that is the precondition if we want to know God or we want to know Buddha nature. So in the Bible, it is said, "Verily, I say to you, except you are born again, except you become a child, you can not enter the kingdom of God." In Taoism, Lao Tzu also said that we have to be pure again as a child.

Also in Buddhism, one of our great Patriarchs was Hui Neng. Hui Neng was the sixth Patriarch of Zen Buddhism in China. But he was originally, historically Au Lac born. Now I will not argue about this, because the Chinese wanted to claim him.So we also offer to them.It is all right. He is universal anyhow, but just for your information. Because I have to speak the truth, always speak the truth. If you want to know more about who he is, you can talk to me later. We don't want to discuss about his birth place or birth rights, just a little mentioning. Now, he said like this, "When I meditate, I only look into my own fault, I don't look into the others' fault." That means you become pure, you don't criticize others, you are just like a child. Now, aren't they the same sayings? Yes? (Audience: Yes, they are.)

You are right. Because anyone who is enlightened and who has a glimpse or many glimpses into the true nature of Godhood or Buddhahood will say and express the same opinion. They can not say otherwise. They can only say the truth and nothing but the truth. The truth may be strange, may be unfamiliar to many people. But nevertheless, very familiar to those who have wisdom and who are already feeling acquainted with the truth. We may say to ourselves, "I have never learned anything before"; "I have never been to church"; "I have never been to any Buddhist temple." "I haven't even read any Sutras." But that doesn't mean you do not know the truth. You might have known them or might have known the truth already in your previous life. Now it will take just a little more water for the seed to germinate again.

very good and grand religion has to teach people the law of karma. Otherwise, why do they bother to teach people to do good and be good, if we have no retribution later or any at all, or after-life at all? Why bother to be good, to do good? Because if you are bad, you are kind of naughty and sinful, you still only have this life. So the law of karma and also consequently the law of reincarnation is very, very common. And every religion openly or secretly or I mean not hintingly, teaches this kind of law. It is the same like we have the law in every nation in order to protect the order of the society. The law of the universe is also there to protect the order and the well-being of all beings in the universe.

If we live in a country, we must know a little bit about the law of that country in order to live in harmony, also not to harm ourselves by committing some or transgressing the law. Now, when we think it over, we are not only living in a nation, but we are also living in the universe. And every nation is a kind of a room in a big mansion. So therefore it is an obligation to us, also to have to know a little bit about the universal law. After we study the law of different nations we might notice that sometimes one law in this nation doesn't apply to the other nation. For example, in our country like Au Lac, or maybe America, you can have only one wife and one husband. That is the law. Is it so in America also? (Audience: Yes.) Now if you have a second or a third, your wife or husband can take you to court and make trouble.

In Tibet, it is entirely different. Now a woman can have many husbands. One woman can marry the whole brothers of one family. No, I'm not joking. You may read it yourselves. You know if you read the books by Swami Vivekananda. Have you read any? Some of them, no? He told his experience about this. He said when he was shocked and asked a brother why they are doing such a thing. Why are they married to only one woman, five or six brothers. And the brother said: "In Tibet, it is considered selfish not to share any good thing with your brothers." So then he keeps pondering about the relativity of law and sometimes morality in this world.

Now in every country, we have to live up to the law of that country in order not to cause problems, heartbreaks to ourselves and to the others. So, we cannot say, "Well, Tibetans are like that, so we Americans learn to do the same." We can not. Because we Americans are Americans. We have our own emotions, our own background of tradition, and our own judgment. We can't just imitate anyone at all. The same like the Au Lac people, the Chinese, or any other country's people. They cannot imitate the other country's tradition. They may respect their laws. But there are other kinds of invisible laws concerning emotions and a way of living that they can not imitate.

The Law Of The Universe Is Ever Abiding
Then now we consider that when we live in every nation, we have to follow that nation's law. So now when we are in the universe, we must also follow our universal law. That law will protect us from degrading into a lower grade of existence. For example, when we are in a country, and we commit some crimes or transgress some law, we will be put in jail or have some kind of fine. No? (Audience: Yes.) Now if we live in this universe and we commit something that is not suitable to the law of the universe, then we also have to be put in some kind of other existence which is not very pleasurable for us. That is what we call karma, the law of retribution, "As you sow, so shall you reap."

Therefore, when we want to live in harmony and do not incur displeasurable situations for ourselves, we should study some universal law. Universal law is not made by man, and is not changeable like human's law. When we see the human's law, it varies from country to country. And even the standard of morality varies from country to country. So it is hard to tell people in one country to accept the other country's law. But the universal law is always and always the same. For example, in the Bible it is stated that, "Thou shall not kill. Thou shall not commit adultery. Thou shall not steal. Thou shall love thy neighbor, love thy enemy, etc...." These will never change.

If we want to know God or our so-called Buddha nature, God or Buddha nature, for me, is the same thing. I have experienced that thing. You may call it God or Buddha nature. I know it is the same thing, just a different way of speaking. Now, if we want to experience our Godly nature or Buddha nature, or what we call the Real Face, we have to follow this law. And to follow this law is not the only thing that we must do. But that is the precondition if we want to know God or we want to know Buddha nature. So in the Bible, it is said, "Verily, I say to you, except you are born again, except you become a child, you can not enter the kingdom of God." In Taoism, Lao Tzu also said that we have to be pure again as a child.

Also in Buddhism, one of our great Patriarchs was Hui Neng. Hui Neng was the sixth Patriarch of Zen Buddhism in China. But he was originally, historically Au Lac born. Now I will not argue about this, because the Chinese wanted to claim him.So we also offer to them.It is all right. He is universal anyhow, but just for your information. Because I have to speak the truth, always speak the truth. If you want to know more about who he is, you can talk to me later. We don't want to discuss about his birth place or birth rights, just a little mentioning. Now, he said like this, "When I meditate, I only look into my own fault, I don't look into the others' fault." That means you become pure, you don't criticize others, you are just like a child. Now, aren't they the same sayings? Yes? (Audience: Yes, they are.)

You are right. Because anyone who is enlightened and who has a glimpse or many glimpses into the true nature of Godhood or Buddhahood will say and express the same opinion. They can not say otherwise. They can only say the truth and nothing but the truth. The truth may be strange, may be unfamiliar to many people. But nevertheless, very familiar to those who have wisdom and who are already feeling acquainted with the truth. We may say to ourselves, "I have never learned anything before"; "I have never been to church"; "I have never been to any Buddhist temple." "I haven't even read any Sutras." But that doesn't mean you do not know the truth. You might have known them or might have known the truth already in your previous life. Now it will take just a little more water for the seed to germinate again.

The Universe Is Governed By Universal Laws
Every good and grand religion has to teach people the law of karma. Otherwise, why do they bother to teach people to do good and be good, if we have no retribution later or any at all, or after-life at all? Why bother to be good, to do good? Because if you are bad, you are kind of naughty and sinful, you still only have this life. So the law of karma and also consequently the law of reincarnation is very, very common. And every religion openly or secretly or I mean not hintingly, teaches this kind of law. It is the same like we have the law in every nation in order to protect the order of the society. The law of the universe is also there to protect the order and the well-being of all beings in the universe.

If we live in a country, we must know a little bit about the law of that country in order to live in harmony, also not to harm ourselves by committing some or transgressing the law. Now, when we think it over, we are not only living in a nation, but we are also living in the universe. And every nation is a kind of a room in a big mansion. So therefore it is an obligation to us, also to have to know a little bit about the universal law. After we study the law of different nations we might notice that sometimes one law in this nation doesn't apply to the other nation. For example, in our country like Au Lac, or maybe America, you can have only one wife and one husband. That is the law. Is it so in America also? (Audience: Yes.) Now if you have a second or a third, your wife or husband can take you to court and make trouble.

In Tibet, it is entirely different. Now a woman can have many husbands. One woman can marry the whole brothers of one family. No, I'm not joking. You may read it yourselves. You know if you read the books by Swami Vivekananda. Have you read any? Some of them, no? He told his experience about this. He said when he was shocked and asked a brother why they are doing such a thing. Why are they married to only one woman, five or six brothers. And the brother said: "In Tibet, it is considered selfish not to share any good thing with your brothers." So then he keeps pondering about the relativity of law and sometimes morality in this world.

Now in every country, we have to live up to the law of that country in order not to cause problems, heartbreaks to ourselves and to the others. So, we cannot say, "Well, Tibetans are like that, so we Americans learn to do the same." We can not. Because we Americans are Americans. We have our own emotions, our own background of tradition, and our own judgment. We can't just imitate anyone at all. The same like the Au Lac people, the Chinese, or any other country's people. They cannot imitate the other country's tradition. They may respect their laws. But there are other kinds of invisible laws concerning emotions and a way of living that they can not imitate.

The Law Of The Universe Is Ever Abiding
Then now we consider that when we live in every nation, we have to follow that nation's law. So now when we are in the universe, we must also follow our universal law. That law will protect us from degrading into a lower grade of existence. For example, when we are in a country, and we commit some crimes or transgress some law, we will be put in jail or have some kind of fine. No? (Audience: Yes.) Now if we live in this universe and we commit something that is not suitable to the law of the universe, then we also have to be put in some kind of other existence which is not very pleasurable for us. That is what we call karma, the law of retribution, "As you sow, so shall you reap."

Therefore, when we want to live in harmony and do not incur displeasurable situations for ourselves, we should study some universal law. Universal law is not made by man, and is not changeable like human's law. When we see the human's law, it varies from country to country. And even the standard of morality varies from country to country. So it is hard to tell people in one country to accept the other country's law. But the universal law is always and always the same. For example, in the Bible it is stated that, "Thou shall not kill. Thou shall not commit adultery. Thou shall not steal. Thou shall love thy neighbor, love thy enemy, etc...." These will never change.

If we want to know God or our so-called Buddha nature, God or Buddha nature, for me, is the same thing. I have experienced that thing. You may call it God or Buddha nature. I know it is the same thing, just a different way of speaking. Now, if we want to experience our Godly nature or Buddha nature, or what we call the Real Face, we have to follow this law. And to follow this law is not the only thing that we must do. But that is the precondition if we want to know God or we want to know Buddha nature. So in the Bible, it is said, "Verily, I say to you, except you are born again, except you become a child, you can not enter the kingdom of God." In Taoism, Lao Tzu also said that we have to be pure again as a child.

Also in Buddhism, one of our great Patriarchs was Hui Neng. Hui Neng was the sixth Patriarch of Zen Buddhism in China. But he was originally, historically Au Lac born. Now I will not argue about this, because the Chinese wanted to claim him.So we also offer to them.It is all right. He is universal anyhow, but just for your information. Because I have to speak the truth, always speak the truth. If you want to know more about who he is, you can talk to me later. We don't want to discuss about his birth place or birth rights, just a little mentioning. Now, he said like this, "When I meditate, I only look into my own fault, I don't look into the others' fault." That means you become pure, you don't criticize others, you are just like a child. Now, aren't they the same sayings? Yes? (Audience: Yes, they are.)

You are right. Because anyone who is enlightened and who has a glimpse or many glimpses into the true nature of Godhood or Buddhahood will say and express the same opinion. They can not say otherwise. They can only say the truth and nothing but the truth. The truth may be strange, may be unfamiliar to many people. But nevertheless, very familiar to those who have wisdom and who are already feeling acquainted with the truth. We may say to ourselves, "I have never learned anything before"; "I have never been to church"; "I have never been to any Buddhist temple." "I haven't even read any Sutras." But that doesn't mean you do not know the truth. You might have known them or might have known the truth already in your previous life. Now it will take just a little more water for the seed to germinate again.

Friday 22 June 2012

The vast majority of Chakmas are Buddhists, and they form the largest Buddhist population in AP. The Buddhist population is the second largest groups in the state including Chakma, Khamti, Simpo and Tibetan. Integrated in their Buddhist practice are older religious elements. One of their annual highlights is the “Bizu festival” held in April as observed as “New Year Eva”. The religious festival they observed as Lord Buddha birth anniversary which called “Buddha Purnima, Ashari Purnima, Madu Purnima, Katincivor Dhan”, etc. Some spiritual Buddhist monks are Late Venerable Gyanajyoti, Late Venerable Pandita, Late Venerable Vipassi, Venerable Priyojoti and so on.

Thursday 21 June 2012

Chakma Culture, Social System and Religions

                                              Chakmas Culture:
Culturally, the Chakmas are in many ways more south-east Asian than South Asian. The traditional dress for women called “Pinon and Hadi” and for men “Dudi and special shirt made by women”.
Chakma folk literature is quite rich. It has many folklores and fables. A traditional folk song of the Chakmas is “Ubha-geet”. Proverbs and traditional sayings are a unique feature of the Chakma language. These sayings mainly centre on farming, animals and birds, nature, society, religion and the mystery of the human body. These sayings in the Chakma language are called “Dagwa Kadha”. The popular form of dance is characteristic of the Chakma community is Called “Bizu”. The “Bi” means bye and “Zu” welcome. It means that they farewell the old year and welcome the new year. Its denotes that end of the Chakma calendar year. During this period, the Chakmas organise joins as well as individual festival in their own home. The perform singing and dancing competition to bid good-bye to the year just being ended and welcome the new year. The dance is beautifully orchestrated with the rhythm playing of what is known as “Henggarang, Baji, Singya and Duduk” sorts of flutes


                                           Social System of Chakmas

Chakmas of AP distinguish themselves from surrounding groups as Khamtis, Tangsa and Simpos by their language. Although there are indications that Chakmas used to speak a Tibeto-Burman language, their present language is Indo-European. It is closely related in structure to Assamese from which it differs by a distinct vocabulary. Most Chakmas are bilingual and speak Chakmas, Hindi, English and Assamese. The Chakma language has its own script, although today this is not commonly used. In AP, they are studying both English and Hind i in the school. Chakma literature runs from the oral traditions of the “Genghuli” singers through literary periodicals to modern poetry. Another modern art form in which Chakmas made their mark 

The vast majority of Chakmas are Buddhists, and they form the largest Buddhist population in AP. The Buddhist population is the second largest groups in the state including Chakma, Khamti, Simpo and Tibetan. Integrated in their Buddhist practice are older religious elements. One of their annual highlights is the “Bizu festival” held in April as observed as “New Year Eva”. The religious festival they observed as Lord Buddha birth anniversary which called “Buddha Purnima, Ashari Purnima, Madu Purnima, Katincivor Dhan”, etc. Some spiritual Buddhist monks are Late Venerable Gyanajyoti, Late Venerable Pandita, Late Venerable Vipassi, Venerable Priyojoti and so on.